Introducing Kollabo.biZ

We aim to help our customers find the products and suppliers they need in Japan by utilising our networks of suppliers, distributors, design and manufacturing partners in various fields such as automotive, IT equipment, environmental, agricultural and industrial equipment, and medical and healthcare equipment.

Team up with real Japan experts

All our Commercial Specialists have a long history of working together to introduce technologies from overseas into the Japanese market – and now we want to help you access Japanese quality and workmanship.

About us

Kollabo.biZ was set up purely to support overseas customers seeking suppliers here in Japan.

Years in the business
Our Services

Bespoke supply chain support

Our philosophy is to provide bespoke support and act as your local mission-based team to locate Japanese supply chain partners that meet your requirements.

Although our expertise lies in the electronics field, we are capable of helping you find products and manufacturers in the mechanical as well as a wide range of other fields.

As with every Japanese company, sustainability and the mantra of “waste not want not” are part of our DNA and our corporate philosophy. We always look for products and suppliers with innovative sustainable processes.

We always look at each application carefully and brainstorm the best solutions and the best supply channels.

Once we are deeply involved in the process we will work with you, the suppliers, and within our network to overcome any bottlenecks during each stage of development and ensure the project proceeds smoothly with no loss of momentum.

Careful use of resources such as how we plan meetings and business trips to minimise the number of journeys, combined with our flexible work from home structure all aim reduce our operating footprint.

We never allow any business of any kind, direct or indirect, with authoritarian dictatorships or nations that disregard international law, human rights, and the environment.

Ready to locate Japanese supply chain partners?

Get in touch and see how Kollabo.biZ can help support your business.